Dan Harbison resides in Portland, dreams of Scotland and lives here.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Thanks so much to everyone that came to the American Marketing Association's February luncheon today. I really enjoyed a lot of the questions that people asked and it always inspires me when you get a room full of people in the conversations you can have. Labels: american marketing association, iamatrailblazersfan.com, portland trail blazers, speaking
One of the questions had to do with culture. This is something that we continue to work on. Your company's culture can A) Help or hinder productivity B) Help or hinder creativity C) Help dictate on how you are perceived (in other words, shape your brand). Some of the people we have had talk or I have seen speak recently include:
Patrick Lencioni, phenomenal speaker about building team and creating a healthy working environment.
Doug Mendenhall, who help build teamwork from the inside out.
I will be blogging often about this topic as I think this is one of the most important aspects of a business. For example, if you manufacture toilet plungers (and my apologizing for singling out manufacturers of toilet plungers) and your work environment is fun, engaging and rewarding. Your employees will rave these are the best "damn toilet plungers in the world". Your turnover will be low and you will continue to be efficient and productive. If you have a crappy work environment and people are always looking for a way out... your business will fail due to turn-over and lack of passion.
For the presentation I did today, you can click here.
To get a sweetheart of a deal on tickets go to:
promocode: danismyfriend
Or, click here
Once again, thank you Tara and the rest of the crew at the American Marketing Associationama.ppt
posted by DanHarbison at 2:48 PM
Hey Dan,
I was at the AMA luncheon...great talk and discussion. I will be enjoying the tickets to the game next Friday! Thanks for doing that. I am an MBA student at PSU and it was nice to see theories we talk about in a classroom put to the test in real life.
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